Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dependent claims with different reference asserted

Claim Rejections Under 35 USC § 103(a)
The Action rejects claims 6, 8, 10-13, 24, and 26 under 35 U.S.C § 103(a) as unpatentable over Fetzer in view of Rudys. Applicants respectfully assert that claims 6, 8, 10-13, 24, and 26 recite novel and nonobvious features allowable over the proposed Fetzer - Rudys combination. As understood by Applicants, Rudys fails to remedy the deficiencies of Fetzer. Further, since they depend from allowable claim 1 or allowable claim 18, they should be allowed for at least the reasons stated for claims 1 and 18. Claims 6, 8, 10-13, 24, and 26 should be allowable. Such action is respectfully requested.

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